2 all natural applesauce cups

2 100% juice pouches

2 Oatmeal packets (instant)

2 Granola bars

1 can of Ravioli

1 small can of Vienna Sausage

2 Ramen noodle packets

1 Jar of Peanut butter and a loaf of bread every other week.

2 sleeves of crackers every other week.

*Healthier alternatives are available

Child hunger and homeless families are our mission at Salt of the Earth International!

Salt of the Earth International, Inc.

LIVE Presentation of the PowerPack Program:

An irr-religious gathering of Christians who need to make a difference.

39% of children under 17 live in poverty.

67% of all students meet federal

       to qualify for free or reduced lunch.          

       That’s over 64,000 students.

50% of schools are classified as Title 1

       schools. [Title I is part of The No Child            

       Left Behind Act of 2001that targets and

       supplements high poverty schools]

37, 300 students live in poverty

4,100 children are at risk for eating NOTHING

       between Friday lunch and Monday

       school breakfast.

All across Lakeland




-Independent and non-denominational

-local businesses


…are joining up with

Salt of the Earth International

to END this epidemic in

our community!

Here's how it works:

  1. Call 863-662-1480 to find the nearest elementary school to your church or business.
  2. Determine how many children you are willing to sponsor each month. This is a school-year commitment! A minimum commitment of 10 packs is required.
  3. We make all contacts with the school for you! However, a church or business admin will be necessary for on-going communication.
  4. Schedule a training day for your volunteers. For 10-15 packs, 3 volunteers is recommended. 16-30 packs will require a couple more. We come to your location at your convenience and train your volunteers how to load and deliver the packs.
  5. You will need one volunteer able to deliver the backpacks to the school no later than noon on each Friday.
  6. Purchase your food! WE do ALL THE SHOPPING and delivery for you! There is NO mark-up of prices EVER!  The price list below are estimates. We will email you an invoice detailing your next purchase.

Our primary source for supplies is Aldi Food Stores:

[Price=4 weeks]

$180 = 10 packs/wk (40)

$270 = 15 packs/wk (60)

$360 = 20 packs/wk (80)

$450 = 25 packs/wk (100)

$540 = 30 packs/wk (120)

Contact us at:


or call 863-662-1480

for more info!